A quick file/image uploaded built with Tauri (Rust + SvelteKit)
- Main purpose: a imagebed client, I use it for writing blog and notes in Markdown
- I take screenshot all the time, saving screenshots as files and moving them is too time consuming, and takes lots of space in git repo.
- Images from other website can also to uploaded to my own imagebed as a mirror, in case original images were removed, then references on my website will expire too.
- GitHub
- I you have a image file path, screnshot in your clipboard, or a image url, you can upload it to your imagebed with a keyboard hotkey.
Tech Stack
- Tauri
- Rust + SvelteKit
- Tauri is a framework for building tiny, blazing fast binaries for all major desktop platforms. Developers can integrate any front-end framework that compiles to HTML, JS and CSS for building their user interface. The backend of the application is a rust-sourced binary with an API that the front-end can interact with.
- SvelteKit
- SvelteKit is a framework for building web applications of all sizes, with a beautiful development experience and flexible filesystem-based routing.
- TailwindCSS
- A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
- Flowbite
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