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A JS Way of Hot Reloading Go Server (PocketBase)

· 2 min read
Huakun Shen
Website Owner

I was working on a Go project by writing PocketBase Go extension code. I wanted to have a hot reload feature for the Go server. I found that there are many ways to achieve this, such as using air, fresh, realize, etc.

But I wanted to try a different way by using JavaScript/TypeScript.

This gives me more control over the reload process.

Deno Dev Script

let child: Deno.ChildProcess | null = null;

async function startGoServer() {
if (child) {
console.log("Killing previous Go server...");
child.kill("SIGTERM"); // Send SIGTERM to the process
await child.status; // Wait for the process to terminate

const buildCmd = new Deno.Command("go", {
args: ["build", "-o", "pocketbase", "main.go"],
await buildCmd.output();
const cmd = new Deno.Command("./pocketbase", { args: ["serve"] });
child = cmd.spawn();
console.log("Go server started.");


for await (const _event of Deno.watchFs("main.go")) {
console.log("File change detected, restarting server...");
await startGoServer();

Bun Dev Script

import { $, type Subprocess } from "bun";
import { watch } from "fs";

let child: Subprocess | null = null;

async function startGoServer() {
console.log("Starting Go server...");
if (child) {
console.log(`Killing previous Go server with PID: ${}`);
await child.kill(9);
// sleep 3 seconds
// use setTimeout to iteratively wait until killed is true, check every 1 second
while (child.killed === false) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
console.log(`Killed ${}: ${child.killed}`);
await $`go build -o pocketbase main.go`;
child = Bun.spawn(["./pocketbase", "serve"], {
stdio: ["inherit", "inherit", "inherit"],
console.log(`Go server started with PID: ${}`);

watch("./main.go", { recursive: true }, async (event, filename) => {
await startGoServer();