Tools/Developer/IDE Editor
Online Editors
Many frontend UI component libraries such as Ant Design use Codesandbox, CodePen and Stackblitz in their documentation to show a demo. Here is an example, click on the icons below each component demo, an live editor will be open in another tab. All of them support generating workspace on the fly with a define API. Hundreds of UI component demos are not prebuilt and stored, but generated JIT by passing the source code to the online editors through a web request. See Codesandbox's Define API and CodePen's Post to Prefill Editors.
General Purpose
- GitHub
- In any GitHub repo (yours or others')
- Hit the period key or change
in url
- Hit the period key or change
- Mostly used for previewing code in VSCode editor
- I usually use the global search of VSCode to search for keyword in a repo
- Making changes to your code in browser by git commit (no need to push)
- In any GitHub repo (yours or others')
- codeanywhere
- Paid service with no free option
- Gitpod(recommended)
- See for details
Machine Learning
Machine learning requires very high computing power which CPUs can't qualify. Some platforms provide GPU and even TPU for user to write code in browser.
- Colab
- Probably the most popular choice
- GCP AI Platform
- gradient
- Free: 8 CPU, 30GB RAM, Quadrop M4000 8GB GPU
- Pro has faster Free GPUs
- Pro and Growth plan also has many other high-end GPU options (non-free)
- See Pricing for more details
- Select auth-shutdown, max 6 hours. Great because you have more control over time.
- Free plan cannot have private project
- Great choice for beginners
- Kaggle
- Amazon SageMaker
- JetBrains Datalore
- Free version doesn't have GPU
- Professional Version ($19.9/month) has 20 hours of GPU/month
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