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  • Tokens: instances of words or punctuation
  • Types: kinds of words or punctuation

How we count things matters.


  • Corpus: A body of language data of a particular sort (not only text)
    • Tweets, news, multilingual transcripts of the UN
    • More is better (10M - 1T words)
  • Examples
    • Canadian Hansards
    • Project Gutenberg (e-books)
    • web crawls (Google N-Grams, Common Crawl)


N-grams: token sequences of length N.

Language Models

Language Model: The statistical model of a language

Language models can score and sort sentences. i.e. given 2 sentences, which one is more likely.

Frequency Statistics

  • Term Count of term ww in corpus CC is the number of tokens of term ww in CC.

    Count(w,C)Count(w, C)

  • Relative Frequency (FCF_C) is defined relative to the total number of tokens in the corpus C||C||

    FC(w)=Count(w,C)CF_C(w)=\frac{Count(w, C)}{||C||}

    In theory limCFC(w)=P(w)\lim_{||C||\rightarrow\infty}F_C(w)=P(w) (the "frequentist view")

Probabilities of Sentences

The probability of a sentence is defined as the product of the conditional probabilities of its N-grams

Trigram: P(s)=i=2tP(wiwi2wi1)P(s)=\prod^t_{i=2}P(w_i|w_{i-2}w_{i-1})

Bigram: P(s)=i=2tP(wiwi1)P(s)=\prod^t_{i=2}P(w_i|w_{i-1})