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923. 3Sum With Multiplicity

Level: Medium


class Solution:
def threeSumMulti(self, arr: List[int], target: int) -> int:
ans, mod, n = 0, 10**9 + 7, len(arr)

for i in range(n):
diff = target - arr[i]
p1, p2 = i + 1, n - 1
# two pointers
while p1 < p2:
_sum = arr[p1] + arr[p2]
if _sum < diff:
p1 += 1
elif _sum > diff:
p2 -= 1
# _sum == diff, count number of 2 sums
if arr[p1] != arr[p2]:
left, right = 1, 1
while p1 + 1 < n - 1 and arr[p1] == arr[p1 + 1]:
left += 1
p1 += 1
while p2 - 1 > p1 and arr[p2] == arr[p2 - 1]:
right += 1
p2 -= 1
ans += left * right
ans %= mod
p1 += 1
p2 -= 1
# arr[p1] == arr[p2], number from p1 to p2 are all the same, then it's a combination problem
# (p2 - p1 + 1)C2, the formula for combination is nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!. When r is 2 this can be simplified to n(n-1)/2
ans += (p2 - p1 + 1) * (p2 - p1) / 2
ans %= mod
break # all possiblities are counted
return int(ans)