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538. Convert BST to Greater Tree


Level: Medium

My First Recursive Solution



Runtime: 75 ms, faster than 98.41% of Python3 online submissions for Convert BST to Greater Tree.
Memory Usage: 16.9 MB, less than 29.01% of Python3 online submissions for Convert BST to Greater Tree.
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
def convertBST(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> Optional[TreeNode]:
The left children will be updated based on accumulated values on the right children
To make the algorithm more efficient, for the right subtree, we must use a bottom-up approach
i.e. accumulate from leaves upwards using recursion
On the contrary, the left subtree will need a top-down approach where the sum is passed down to the children.
This will also be a recursion, but requires a helper function with an extra "acc" parameter
The helper function can also be reused for the right subtree by setting "acc" param to 0
def update(root: Optional[TreeNode], acc: int):
if root is None:
# Base Case
return 0
# Recursive Step
right_sum = update(root.right, acc)
new_root_val = root.val + right_sum + acc
left_sum = update(root.left, new_root_val)
total_sum = root.val + left_sum + right_sum
# print(f"root.val: {root.val}, acc: {acc}, left_sum: {left_sum}, right_sum: {right_sum}, total_sum: {total_sum}") # debug message
root.val = new_root_val
return total_sum

update(root, 0)
return root

Official Solution


O(n)O(n) for both Time and Space Complexity.

Runtime: 89 ms, faster than 79.93% of Python3 online submissions for Convert BST to Greater Tree.
Memory Usage: 16.5 MB, less than 97.31% of Python3 online submissions for Convert BST to Greater Tree.
class Solution(object):
def __init__(self): = 0

def convertBST(self, root):
if root is not None:
self.convertBST(root.right) += root.val
root.val =
return root

Iteration with a Stack

O(n)O(n) for both Time and Space Complexity.

Runtime: 85 ms, faster than 85.07% of Python3 online submissions for Convert BST to Greater Tree.
Memory Usage: 16.9 MB, less than 29.01% of Python3 online submissions for Convert BST to Greater Tree.
class Solution(object):
def convertBST(self, root):
total = 0

node = root
stack = []
while stack or node is not None:
# push all nodes up to (and including) this subtree's maximum on
# the stack.
while node is not None:
node = node.right

node = stack.pop()
total += node.val
node.val = total

# all nodes with values between the current and its parent lie in
# the left subtree.
node = node.left

return root

Reverse Morris In-order Traversal

  • O(1)O(1) Space Complexity
  • O(N)O(N) Time Complexity
class Solution(object):
def convertBST(self, root):
# Get the node with the smallest value greater than this one.
def get_successor(node):
succ = node.right
while succ.left is not None and succ.left is not node:
succ = succ.left
return succ

total = 0
node = root
while node is not None:
# If there is no right subtree, then we can visit this node and
# continue traversing left.
if node.right is None:
total += node.val
node.val = total
node = node.left
# If there is a right subtree, then there is a node that has a
# greater value than the current one. therefore, we must traverse
# that node first.
succ = get_successor(node)
# If there is no left subtree (or right subtree, because we are
# in this branch of control flow), make a temporary connection
# back to the current node.
if succ.left is None:
succ.left = node
node = node.right
# If there is a left subtree, it is a link that we created on
# a previous pass, so we should unlink it and visit this node.
succ.left = None
total += node.val
node.val = total
node = node.left

return root