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Things to know

  • How to implement and tune a PID controller
  • When is PID insufficient
  • How to formulate a potential field for goal-based navigation
  • Disadvantages of potential fields
  • Vector Field Histogram



Figure out how to generate the Control Inputs (Actuating Signal) so we get the desired Controlled Variable (output/state).

There is always error between Commanded Variable (what we want the system to do) and the output (Controled Variable), otherwise, it's called Zero Error. We want to drive error to zero over time.

Solution: Controller

Controller's job is to reduce error.


Suppose we have a current state currcurr and a goal state goalgoal. The error is defined to be e=goalcurre = goal - curr. ee can be either positive or negative.

P: Proportional (present)

Distance between goalgoal and currcurr is the error and contributes to the controller system. The larger the distance, the larger the error.


I: Integral (Past)

This takes the past error into account. It integrates error over time, and the goal is to reach a integral error of zero.

For example, we are -5m from the goalgoal, then +3m, then -1m, etc. As the integral of error goes to zero, we also gets closer to the goalgoal.

i.e. We oscillate around the goalgoal.

Integral of error from the beginning of the time: τ=0τ=te(τ)dτ\int^{\tau=t}_{\tau=0}e(\tau)d\tau


D: Derivative (Future)

Sometimes we don't want to go over the goalgoal. e.g. the target height of a drone is 50m, it might be too dangerous to reach 51m, or it's beyond the actuator's limit.

In this case, we add one more term: future/derivative. Derivative is the rate of change, and tells the future of a system. A positive derivative of speed means a drone will fly higher in the future. If we take this term into account, it avoids going (too much) over the 50m line.

ω=Kpe(t)+Kiτ=0τ=te(τ)dτ+Kde˙(t)\omega=K_pe(t)+K_i\int^{\tau=t}_{\tau=0}e(\tau)d\tau+K_d \dot{e}(t)

Each term has a weighting factor that engineer needs to turn.

PID is the simplest controller that uses the past, present and future error to achieve a steady state (Zero Error).

How to Implement PID

  • Assume time is discrete

  • Identify error function, e.g. e(t)=current_state(t)target_state(t)e(t) = current\_state(t) - target\_state(t)

  • Is the measurement reliable

    • If measurement is noisy, choices are smoothing/filtering using

      1. Moving Average Filter with uniform weights

        Take a window of past info into account by averaging the window


        Potential Problem: the larger the window of the filter the slower it is going to register changes

      2. Exponential Filter

        x^t=αx^t1+(1α)xt\hat{x}_t=\alpha\hat{x}_{t-1}+(1-\alpha)x_t, α[0,1]\alpha\in[0,1]

        Take past information into account.

        Potential Problem: the closer α\alpha is to 1(less current info considered), the slower it is going to register changes.

  • Approximate the integral of error by a sum

  • Approximate the derivative of error by:

    • Finte Differences

      e˙(tk)e(tk)e(tt1)δt\dot{e}(t_k)\approx\frac{e(t_k)-e(t_{t-1})}{\delta t}

    • Filtered Finite Differences

      e.g. e˙(tk)αe˙(tk1)+(1α)e(tk)e(tk1)δt\dot{e}(t_k)\approx\alpha\dot{e}(t_{k-1})+(1-\alpha)\frac{e(t_k)-e(t_{k-1})}{\delta t}

  • Limit the computed controls

  • Limit or stop the integral term when detecting large errors and windup

How to Tune the PID


  1. Use only the proportional term (set other gains/terms to zero)

  2. When you see oscillations \Rightarrow slowly add derivative term

    Increasing KdK_d increases the duration in which linear error prediction is assumed to be valid (i.e. take future more into account, makes future more important)

  3. Add a small integral gain

[Ziegler-Nichols heuristic](Ziegler–Nichols method - Wikipedia)

  1. Use only the proportional term (set other gains/terms to zero)
  2. When you see consistent oscillations, record the proportional gain KuK_u (aka ultimate gain) and the oscillation period TuT_u.
Control TypeKpK_pTiT_iTdT_d
classic PIDPID0.6KuK_uTu/2T_u/2Tu/8T_u/8


Slef-tuning PID Controllers

After manual or Z-N tweaking, you can use coordinate ascent to search for a better set of parameters automatically.

TODO: fill in the code from lecture slide

When is PID Insufficient

  • Systems with large time delays
  • Controllers that require completion time guarantees
    • E.g. the system must reach target state within 2 secs
  • Systems with high-frequency oscillations
  • High-frequency variations on the target state

Cascading PID

  • Sometimes we have multiple error sources (e.g. multiple sensors) and one actuator to control.
  • We can use a master PID loop that sets the setpoint for the slave PID loop.
    • Master (outer loop) runs at low rate, while slave (inner loop) runs at higher rate.

Drawbacks of Potential Fields

  • Local Minima

    • Attractive and repulsive forces can balance (cancel out each other), so robot makes no progress.

    • Closely spaced obstacles, or dead end.

    • Solution: Navigation Functions

      Single Global Minimum , and no local minima.

  • Unstable Oscillation

    • The dynamics of the robot/environment system can become unstable.
    • High speeds, narrow corridors, sudden changes

Vector Field Histogram

TODO: listen to lecture and fill in the notes here

Dynamic Window Approach (DWA)

Similar to back-tracking algorithm. Use simulation to simulate different scenarios.

Local, reactive controller

  1. Sample a set of controls for x,y,theta
  2. Simulate where each control is going to take the robot
  3. Eliminate those that lead to collisions.
  4. Reward those that agree with a navigation plan.
  5. Reward high-speeds
  6. Reward proximity to goal.
  7. Pick control with highest score that doesn’t lead to collision.
