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Json Web Token

Used for Authentication in a different way from Session Cookie.


How it Works


A expire date should be set in the payload of the token for security reasons.

A secret key is needed for verifying a JWT.

How is JWT Verified

A JWT consists of 3 parts:

  • Header
  • Payload
  • Verify Signature

They are separated by dot (.) in the token.

The first 2 parts are just base64 encoded.

The 3rd part is used for Verification. As the figure shows, is generated by hashing the combination of encoded Header and Payload with a secret key.

To verify the token, the server can simply hash the first 2 parts (red+purple) again with the secret key and compare the result with the 3rd part (blue).


With JWT, the server doesn't need to store session id in its memory. All user info related to authentication are stored within the JWT.


A single token can be used across multiple servers when with Session Cookie, memory between servers are not shared.



What Is JWT and Why Should You Use JWT