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Svelte FAQ

This is a collection of my common questions and solutions with svelte/sveltekit.

Data Passing

How to access data and type in +page.svelte for data loaded from +page.server.ts and +layout.server.ts?

If you return some data from +page.ts, in +page.svelte you can access it with $props().data. There is type auto-completion for the data you return from +page.ts in +page.svelte. Sveltekit compiler updates the type in the background.

export const load = () => {
return {
hello: "world",

But if you return some data from +layout.server.ts or +page.server.ts, you can't access it directly in +page.svelte. The data is also accessible in $props().data, but no type auto-completion.

The solution is simple, you have to manually import it from the correct location.

For example, if the data is returned from a +layout.server.ts 2 levels up, you can import it from ../../$types.

import type { LayoutServerLoad } from "./$types";

export const load: LayoutServerLoad = async ({
locals: { supabase, session },
}) => {
const { data: myExtensions } = await supabase
.select("identifier, icon, name, downloads, api_version, version")
.filter("author_id", "eq", session?
return { myExtensions: myExtensions ?? [] };
import type { PageData } from "./$types";
import type { LayoutServerData } from "../../$types";

const { data }: { data: PageData & LayoutServerData } = $props();