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1721. Swapping Nodes in a Linked List


Solution 1 O(n)

Without modifying node value.

class Solution:
def swapNodes(self, head: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
count, cur = 0, head
# count array length first
while cur is not None:
count += 1
cur =
p2_pos = count - k + 1 # calculate position of the second number to swap
if k == p2_pos: # when list == [1,2,3] and k == 2, swappnig makes no difference
return head
if k > p2_pos: # [1,2,3,4,5], k = 4, is equivalent to the case where k = 2
return self.swapNodes(head, p2_pos)
i, cur, p1, p1_prev, p2, p2_prev = 0, head, None, None, None, None
p2_pos = count - k + 1
# find and set pointer for first number, second number and their previous nodes
while cur is not None:
if i + 2 == k and k != 1:
p1_prev = cur
if i + 2 == p2_pos:
p2_prev = cur
i += 1
if i == k:
p1 = cur
if i == p2_pos:
p2 = cur
cur =
p1_next = # make a copy
if p1_prev: # when k = 1, p1_prev is None = p2 =
if p2_prev and p2_prev != p1: # when list length is 1, p2_prev is None = p1
if p1_next != p2: # in case [1,2], k=1: p1_next == p2, will cause a cycle = p1_next
else: # to prevent cycle, handle this special case
# initial: p1 -> p2 = p1
return p2 if k == 1 else head

Solution 2 O(n)

Modify node value directly.

class Solution:
def swapNodes(self, head: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
count, cur = 0, head
while cur is not None: # count linked list length
count += 1
cur =
p2_pos = count - k + 1 # find position of the second number to swap
count, cur = 0, head
while cur is not None: # find and set pointers of the 2 numbers to swap
count += 1
if count == k:
p1 = cur
if count == p2_pos:
p2 = cur
cur =
# swap nodes' values in place
p1.val, p2.val = p2.val, p1.val # python multiple assignment, no need to save a backup for one of the number
return head

Test Cases
