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Planning with client, contract, all ncessary tests and components are stictly defined.

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • Goals
  • Scope
  • Time Estimation
  • Rules of Engagement

Information Gathering

Obtain information of target in all kinds of ways. Including software and hardware used, to find potential vulnerabilities.

  • OSINT (Open Source Intelligence): get information from public sources (open source)
  • Infrastructure Enumeration
    • Create a map of client's servers and hosts with DNS and understand how it's structured
      • name servers
      • mail servers
      • web servers
      • cloud instances
    • Identifying the firewall tells us understanding of techniques used
      • also tells what methods can be used to avoid triggering alarm
  • Service Enumeration
    • version of service
  • Host Enumeration
    • Identify Operating System
    • Identify Services
    • Identify Service Version
  • Pillaging
    • This happends in post-exploitation stage
    • Collect sensitive information on exploited host

Vulnerability Assessment

  • Analyze information gathered
  • Look for known vulnerabilities in systems, applications, and various versions
  • Evaluation of potential vulnerabilities (threat level)


Execute attack.


At this stage, we already have access to exploited machine.

  • Try to escalate privileges
  • Obtain sensitive data

Lateral Movement

Access additional hosts at the same or higher privilege level.


Document the process.


Provide detailed documentation, report.