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Locating Public Exploits

Online Exploit Resources

Exploit Database

Designed to let users quickly find info they are looking for.

Security Focus

Vulnerability Database, doesn't usually contain proof of concept.

Packet Storm

There is also secutiry tools.

Google Search Operators




Offline Exploit Resources


update package usually with apt

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install exploitdb

stored in /usr/share/exploitdb

searchsploit remote smb microsoft windows

Nmap NSE Scripts


nmap --script-help=clamav-exec.nse for description

The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeFF)

sudo beef-xss
# then login to the framework with browser

Metasploit Framework

sudo msfconsole -q

# list vulnerability
search ms08_067
search -h # show all options

All Together

Search for the what services is exposed to the network

sudo nmap -p- -sV -vv --open --reason
# -p- scan all tcp ports
# -sV -vv Version Detection
# --open --reason display only open ports and reason for port state

# Found james: an apache enterprise mail server

Locate Vulnerabiliity

searchsploit james
# found an exploit with the same version