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Web Application Attacks

Web Application Enumeration


  1. Programming Language and Framework
  2. Web Server Software
  3. Database Software
  4. Server OS

Inspecting URLs

Some programming languages can be figured out from URLs/extensions, like php.

Inspecting Page Content

From developer tool->debugger, we may find js library used.

Viewing Response Header

Developer Tool => Network

Server Header could review Software running on server

Inspecting Sitemaps


Locating Admin Consoles

Web Application Assessment Tools


Web Content Scanner.

dirb <URL> -r -z 10		# -z 10 for delay   -r for non-recursive

Burp Suite

burpsuite command.

Can be used to track requests send to a web server as a proxy, and regenerate these requests with custom settings.

For example, if some input doesn't allow more than 20 chars, we can use this method to surpass the check.


Web Server Scanner. Test dangerous/vulnerable files/programs/server version/config.

Could take very long.


  1. set -maxtime
  2. -T: to set type of test
nikto -host= -maxtime=30s

Exploiting Web-based Vulnerabilities

Exploiting Admin Console

Use Nikto to find vulnerabilities, such as PHPmyAdmin, and guess its password

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Identify XSS Vulnerabilities

Search input fields.

Inject code into website (input) and they maybe executed as real scripts if not encoded/sanitized properly.

Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities

Gain access to files of a web app.

Identifying and Exploiting Directory Traversals

Examine URL query strings and forms.

File Inclusion Vulnerabilities

Include a file into the application.

SQL Injection

sqlmap for automating sql injection.