NMAP Stage Scanning
# TCP Scan
sudo nmap -vv -Pn -A -sS -T4 -p- -oN ~/Desktop/tcpscan.txt
# UDP Scan
sudo nmap -vv -Pn -A -sU -T4 --top-ports 200 -oN ~/Desktop/udpscan.txt huakunshen.com
sudo nmap -Pn -sU --top-ports 1000 --stats-every 3m --max-retries 1 -T3 -oN ~/Desktop/udpscan.txt huakunshen.com
NMAP scripts
Scripts are in /usr/share/nmap/scripts
Scan Open Ports/Services
nmap <ip>
Scan Live Hosts in a subnet
nmap -sP
Scan Live Hosts and Open Ports/Services in subnet
- ttl can be used to identify the OS of the target, linux ttl is 64, windows ttl is 128
- When scanning "filtered" port (not sure open or close) with TCP SYN packet, we can get info from duration
- Shorter duration like 0.05 sec could mean firewall rejects the packet
- To get hostname, the -sV is helpful. It scans for service versions and takes longer.
UDP Scan
- UDP protocol doesn't have handshake, requires a longer timeout, scanning it requires more time
- UDP service may to respond to the scan
Saving Results
- Normal output:
- Grepable output:
- XML output:
- All formats: